So, we've finally taken the plunge. After some studying and reassurance from a friend, we took a ride to the small country store down the street...for a gallon of milk. But not just regular milk. The good stuff. Seven dollar "liquid gold"...raw milk from organic grass fed cows.
I worried about taste, smell, and the "after taste". What I found was that the raw cow's milk tasted richer, creamier and slightly sweeter than regular pasturized and homogenized milk. No funky smell or after taste. I found a lot of info from sites like this: and Thankfully, we live in a state where it's legal to sell and consume raw milk. Not all states are so "lucky".
Yay yay yay! Isn't it awesome?! Now, Save the cream for ice cream and butter! I alternate weeks. The cost is high, but your health is worth it!