Thursday, March 1, 2012

Raw milk.

So, we've finally taken the plunge. After some studying and reassurance from a friend, we took a ride to the small country store down the street...for a gallon of milk. But not just regular milk. The good stuff. Seven dollar "liquid gold"...raw milk from organic grass fed cows.
I worried about taste, smell, and the "after taste". What I found was that the raw cow's milk tasted richer, creamier and slightly sweeter than regular pasturized and homogenized milk. No funky smell or after taste. I found a lot of info from sites like this: and Thankfully, we live in a state where it's legal to sell and consume raw milk. Not all states are so "lucky".

1 comment:

  1. Yay yay yay! Isn't it awesome?! Now, Save the cream for ice cream and butter! I alternate weeks. The cost is high, but your health is worth it!
